Gallifrey Falls No More


As the world knows, the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special: The Day of the Doctor aired yesterday and Doctors 10, 11 and that one The Doctor chose to forget all got together to save the world with their timey-whimey powers. I’ve been having Doctor withdrawal for months now and I had been counting down the days until this special. I’m not one for spoilers sweety, so I won’t bother doing a recap. If you saw it, you saw it and if you didn’t, then I’m incredibly sorry for your inner nerd. I found the special to be entertaining, beautiful, and touching and best of all, it incorporated all the Doctors that have existed over the past 50 years. I have to say that I was giddy the entire time and I have never been so proud to be a nerd fighter.

There’s a saying that goes: pictures speak louder than words (or is it “actions”?). Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s pictures. Yes, because that other saying goes: Why don’t you take action?! It will last longer! Now, that I’ve got that straightened out, here are some of my favorite moments from The Day of the Doctor, in pictures.

TheDoctors Badwolf DoctorsTalking
So basically, I loved all of the moments where all the doctors were hanging together and being silly. It made me extremely happy. I also happened to find out a few months ago that my grandfather, who passed away when I was still in single digits, watched Doctor Who way back when. Although I won’t be able to talk to him about the show, just knowing that we both loved it at one time, shows just how universal this show is, and how incredibly glad I am that it is still going on. Being able to share the love of this show with him will always be dear to my heart.

If you’re looking for a recap, look no further!

5 thoughts on “Gallifrey Falls No More

  1. I thought the 50th was amazing. I agree with you that it was so cool seeing all the doctors at once, and although Hurt never was a doctor in the past, I think he made an excellent one and had excellent acting chemistry with Rose! And that little snippet of Peter Capaldi sent me right over the edge.

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