Mirror, Mirror

Look in the mirror. Does the person you see match the person you feel like on the inside? How much stock do you put in appearances?


That’s what I see when I look in the mirror.

I see expectations of myself and expectations from others.

We expect a lot from other people.

We expect them not to disappoint us

But when they do, and they inevitably do, we’re not surprised

We were expecting it

Really, we were

We have too many expecations

I have too many expectations

I expect a lot from myself

As I probably should

I expect to be able to live the life that I want to

But why do we always expect so much from others?

Why do we expect others to make us happy?

We expect them to be someone or something

And then they turn out to be something different

Shouldn’t we have been expecting that?

What if the person really isn’t different?

What if they’ve always been the same

But you’re the one whose different?

What if you’re not the person you expected yourself to be?

What if the person looking back at you in the mirror

Isn’t even you?


  1. Daily Prompt: Mirror, Mirror | niennie
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